Is man merley a machine and is the heart only a pump that
drive and forces blood around the body?!The heart is love it is mans feeling it
carries the pains and love. If not why would people have heartattacks. Man isnt just a a lustful being that doesn’t feel. Man is more then that.
We are spiritual beings with souls. What is a soul?! Our soul is who we are. It gives us our personality and it shines through our body.
When I meet a person and really get to know them and care for them. I get
myself acquainted with "them". Not there physical being but there personality.
I learn what makes them who they are, they’re wits and personality.
I learn what makes them who they are, they’re wits and personality.
How do I know, man isn't more then just the body we see?....
Just like a tree our body is subject to change. Is a tree
real?.... if I walk past a tree and in
50 years come back, the tree isn't there, therefore that tree is no longer real to my kids or I.
This goes for the same as man, our bodies maybe real to feel and touch and give into
lust, however when we realize it is subject to change, we realize that it isnt ever
lasting. When we get over this materialistic phase and come to terms with life we Will know that beuaty isnt looks or physic. Its within Its no longer real to me or the soul. Its our
personality and who we are and how much we have mad an impact in other peoples
Living in today’s day, we forget. We abolish all ideas of
whats real and look at things that are real now. We belittle our sleves as just being! We make
our souls, we make ourselves under unbearable pressure. We deprive our souls of
what they deserve.
We take away the protection of our spirits by submitting it to danger! We drink carelessly and live our lives vulnerable.
We drug our selves and lose whats real in life, family and a future. We submit oursleves to “fakelove”. We give into lust and we have friends with benefits.
Do we care if our souls are slowly dying with the suppression, no!
We drug our selves and lose whats real in life, family and a future. We submit oursleves to “fakelove”. We give into lust and we have friends with benefits.
Do we care if our souls are slowly dying with the suppression, no!
Its time we come away and grow up. Learn to love our true
sleves and let our souls shine for who we really are. Soon enough others will
folow and question where the glow is coming from.
By Lina Bangu
By Lina Bangu

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