Monday, 25 June 2012

Natural Hair Tag ???????? Q & A

1. How is your hair Progress ? My natural hair progress is great, I am now fully natural since 04/01/12, my hair has grown a huge amount even with my lack of protective styles. I currently set a goal for August and I have reached that goal, therefore my hair is growing faster than I taught. I shall post a big of my hair freshly washed and conditioned down below.

2. Things you would/ would not have done to your hair ? I would have done more protective styles, I definitely would have stopped relaxing my hair earlier, but had no idea about natural hair.

3. How long have you been seriously caring for your hair ? I have been seriously caring for my hair since I decided  to go natural on the 04/12/11

4. Info you'd offer to natural newbies ? Well for people who B.C I would say hang in there, your hair will grow and time will fly by, enjoy your twa ( tinny winny afro ) because the longer your hair is the more you have to care for it.
For transitioners I will say the process is not an easy one, and you most likely will receive negative comments and some breakage as the two textures are colliding, but ignore the comments and have fun doing different styles  on your hair such as braid outs, twist out, with those styles your hair textures will blend right in.

5. What are your long and short term hair goals ? my short term hair goals is for the front of my hair to reach my chin by September and long term I want my hair to have grown an additional 16 inches in 2 years, Im currently undergoing a 2 year waist length challenge. :D 

6. What networks/hair blogs do you belong to ? 

7. Discuss how friends and family responded to your natural hair ? Family liked it, although one of my sisters didnt, but now she loves it. Friends where not to keen on it, but didn't bother me, there all so amused and amazed by it now.

And thats the end of my natural hair tag. 
for questions and enquries email me :

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Friday, 15 June 2012

College Drop Outs ? ? whats to come

Question: hey id Jane here..i wanna get advice of ya!...well im considering being a college drop-out. im the 1st in my family to get to uni, worked hard and have options but like i dont know do i want to be a scientist, or anything to do with it like enginnering anymore....ive a love and flare for business. i recently started working for this company and have alot of career prospects there, that by less then a year i could become assistant manager.....should i go for this love or stick to what i started with and slugg through a 4 year degree programme??.....what you think

: Hey Jane, thanks for contacting me. Honestly Im gonna give it to you straight.

I personally don't think you should drop out of College, as you said you are the first in your family to get into a university, and that's an excellent achievement. If you are unssure if you want to do a course, I personally think it might not be the coarse for you, your only unsure for a reason right ??.

You say you have a flare for business why not do a business related degree ?. Well done in achieving a job in this economy, however not all jobs last for ever, as you know people with degrees in their professions are being let go, so you shouldn't think because you got a job for a company your going to be there for ever.
Dont get me wrong you could progress well in this company and become really successful, but then again in the next ten years the owner of the company could shut it down, who knows what the future holds!!!!

Fortunately for you, Yiour given the chance of education a chance for a better future, a chance to make this world a better place. Cheesy ? I know... however its the truth, whether you achieve a diploma, fetac, degree, or p.h.d, you are allowing yourself to become better for your future and those around you.

Education is the most important thing in society today, and I believe it should not be taken for granted. We live in a country in which our education is so great we can achieve a career in any country.
Taking all this into perspective my answer is NO. I dont think you should drop out of college as we all know most college drop outs dont go back and regret it later on in life.
Im not telling you to do a coarse you hate, but simply telling you to stay in college doing a coarse you enjoy and hope for the best..

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Overweight People: Dress appropriately ???

Listening to the Adrian Kennedy show and their talking about how overweight people, girls in particular should dress appropriately, especially when there out on a night out. 

Some size 8 girl is on giving out like crazy to over weight people, telling them what to wear and what not, like    
everyone is different in their approach to how they dress and what they like to see people wear, but hating on an over weight person, calling them all sorts is on called for, like jeez.

hmm I feel like big girls are generally hotter than twigs. however some do dress inappropriately especially on a nights out, but most of them don't and they look much better than skinny girls by farrrrr!!!!!!!

Introduction: Why Blog ??????????

Hey everyone this is just an introduction to my blog.. finally writing something on it... so basically my blogs are going to be about Life... I mostly make videos on Youtube: (

but sometimes its nice to write blogs, kinda like writing in your diary except you get to share your thoughts and feelings with people and other bloggers.

If you have any topics, ideas you would like me to blog  about do tell... (

Watch out for my next blog.
